Meet me at Chakra Building


Meet me at Chakra Building


If you feel blocked in specific areas in your body the chakra building course will clear it out… this four week on-line program works specifically on the blockages that are stored in your body, depleting your chakra resources. We will go through each chakra and uncover the specific chakras that are locked down, free them up, and get your chakras re-built.

This four week course provides a weekly 30-minute private consultation to guide your direction. You will receive homework assignments, meditation practices, as well as assessing how the week assignment has gone. This course requires journaling and recommendations to enhance your connection with the specific chakras we are working with. You will receive recommendations for stones and aromatherapy to help support and strengthen your chakras! Meet me at your chakra building!

Spend four weeks with Liz to uncover your “Freedom-Run Adventure”!

Additional information

Service Option

30 Minute Session, 60 Minute Group Session, 60 Minute Session